CDAA Advanced Cave Diver

Note: This course can be completed on a Rebreather

The CDAA Advanced Cave Diver Course is the highest rasting you can acheive under the CDAA banner and it denotes exceptional training and the ability to dive in all the sites in Mt Gambier.

An Advanced Cave rated site is defined as an enclosed body of water containing silt, darkness zones, and passages that at times are not large enough for two divers to buddy alongside. Advanced Cave sites are of unlimited penetration distance.


Be 18 years of age.
Hold a CDAA Cave Diver award or equivalent.
Have logged a minimum of 25 cave dives (outside of course dives) totaling a minimum of 25 hours with no more than 3 dives to be logged per day.
Hold a current diving medical.
Have experience in at least 4 different dive sites.


Day #1- 9:00am to 5:00pm (Theory, Gear configuration) In Mt Gambier
Day #2- 9:00am to 5:00pm (Theory, Dive 1 & 2, Exam) In Mt Gambier
Day #3- 9:00am to 2:00pm (Land Drills, Dives 3) In Mt Gambier
Day #4- 9:00am to 5:00pm (Dives 4 & 5) In Mt Gambier
Day #5- 9:00am to 3:00pm (Dives 6 & 7) In Mt Gambier

Price:  AUD $1400.00

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Upon successful completion of this course graduates are qualified to enroll in:


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